Woolbrook is located just off the Oxley Highway between Bendemeer and Walcha, 25km from either town. In Woolbrook, turn left opposite the hall after crossing the Macdonald River. After crossing the train line, take Campfire Road which veers right just after Woolbrook school. Clovernook is 10.5km along Campfire Road on the left.
Undulating to hilly, mostly trap soils with a little granite and basalt, predominantly naturalised pastures that have been improved but reverted back to mostly native species.
Clovernook Poll
5kg 17.6 micron
Clovernook Poll was registered in 2016. A small number of ewes were purchased from Nerstane Poll and Petali Poll while the bulk of the stud ewes were upgraded by inspection from the existing Clovernook commercial flock. Semen has been purchased from several leading sires from studs such as Nerstane Poll, Centre Plus Poll, Tuckwood Poll and Toland Poll.
The use of ASBV's and stringent visual assessment form the backbone of our breeding program. ASBV's allow us to target high performing genetics, in a balanced approach, for the traits we feel will drive profit and sustainability in our flock. Stringent visual selection ensures we are producing animals that are fit for, and have longevity in, our challenging environment.
Clovernook Poll Merinos are the choice for economic, environmental and social sustainability. We are selecting for high performance in growth, carcase, fleece value, reproduction and parasite resistance on a non-mules, low maintenance sheep.
Our wool is bright, white, long and crimpy. All sheep are shorn every 8 months with an average of 75 -80mm staple length depending on season.
115% weaning per ewe joined is consistently being achieved.
Mulesing was ceased in 2008 in the commercial flock. Fly strike is rare and not tolerated.
Feet requiring trimming are not tolerated.
Selection for worm resistance is a critical component of our long term worm management program.