
John and Jane, Hamish and Jock McLaren
Horned and Polled
Nerstane Rd
Woolbrook NSW 2354
North of Tamworth 78Km (Oxley Hwy), right at Bendemeer, 15km right at Congi Station, 5km Nerstane sign, turn right 7km.
Hamish - 0429772778 Jock - 0429775891 John - 0429775922
(02) 6777 5922
Hamish, Jock, and John McLaren
Andrew Calvert
Undulating to hilly. Granite/traprock soil
Nerstane is the best connected flock in the huge MERINOSELECT database of Sheep Genetics.
Nerstane has performed very well since 1990 in sire evaluations (NSW,VIC,SA,WA,QLD,Sth Africa,Sth America, New Zealand,). Nerstane sires have performed outstandingly being prominent in areas such as high clean fleece weights, low fibre diameter, high % of tops vs a low % of culls.

Nerstane is one of the only studs in Australia that benchmarks themselves against the rest of the industry in every possible way. Nerstane enters their genetics in  everything from the show ring, sire evaluations, wether trials, and fleece competitions.

Nerstane commenced breeding in 1965 with the aim of producing easy care sheep with the highest dollar production per head under commercial conditions.

Nerstane is renowned for its heavy cutting, long staple length, soft handling wool that tests finer than it looks.

Nerstane is a very strict believer in progeny testing and only using & passing on the best proven genetics.

  • 2019 Nerstane won all three group awards at Sydney Royal Easter Show which has only been done once before by one stud in its long history. Also again being awarded Sydney Supreme Merino Ewe, and the March shorn Pair.

  • 2018 Sydney Supreme Merino Ewe, Tom Culley award for Supreme Junior Merino Exhibit.

  • 2017 Australian Ram of the Year, Grand Champion Ram and Ewe of the show at Dubbo National, Tom Culley award at Sydney for the Supreme Junior exhibit.

  • 2016 Sydney Grand Champion Fine Wool Ram, Grand Champion Poll Ram, Champion August Pair, Lionel Weatherly group of 5 merinos.

  • 2015 Sydney Supreme Merino Ewe, Best August shorn Pair, Best March shorn Pair, and first place in the famous Stonehaven Cup for the best exhibit of 5 Merinos.

  •  2012 Grand Champion Fine Wool Ram at Bendigo

  •  2011 NSW Ram of the Year and Supreme exhibit at Dubbo National Show & Sale

  • 2011 Grand Champion Fine Wool Ram at Bendigo. Also top priced sale ram at  $26 000 that year.

  • 2011 Supreme Merino Exhibit Sydney Royal Easter Show. (Grand Champion Fine/Medium Wool Ram)

  • 2010 Grand Champion Fine wool Ewe. 2nd,3rd, and 4th in the production class Sydney Royal Easter Show.

  • 2009 Reserve Grand Champion Fine wool ram, and Grand Champion Fine Medium wool ewe at Sydney Royal Easter Show.

  • 2008 Grand Champion fine wool ram, Grand Champion and Reserve Grand Champion fine medium wool ewes,Best Junior sheep, Best Pair, and 1st place in the famous Stonehaven Cup for the best team of 5 merinos.

  • 2005 Supreme Merino Exhibit (Grand Champion fine/medium wool ewe)

  • 1999 Supreme Merino Exhibit (Grand Champion Fine Wool Ram) Best Merino Ewe (Grand Champion Medium Wool Ewe)


On Property
Location:Nerstane On - Property
Time:Starts Friday 12pm on the last Friday of January every year
Offered: Approx. 200 rams, approx 1500 ewes including both stud and commercial.
Contact vendor for details Hamish 0429772778 or Jock 04297775891